Catching Up

Mar 26, 2023 | Commentary

Sink Backsplash

Months Later…

It’s about time I got back into the habit of writing on my blog. I won’t give too many excuses but here’s what has been happening in my personal life since the previous post.

Last August, 2022, we decided to do a complete kitchen remodeling. With the help of my husband’s two brothers, the renovations began by taking down some walls, all the cabinets and the flooring. We were without a cooktop and oven. I baked, airfried, and roasted food in my toaster oven and used the one burner induction cooktop for other stuff. With kettle, coffee machine, microwave and BBQ, we survived! My new appliances are fabulous. Leon designed and custom built all the cabinets and two mobile islands. There are lots of drawers instead of doors for storage. The new flooring was installed a couple of weeks ago. There are still drawers left to build for the pantry side, under the sink and over and below the build-in oven and above the fridge, and we need to build doors and drawer fronts. Some plastering and painting still to be done as well as grouting the backsplash tiles. A work in progress for another couple of months.

I have been working on art work in between being the carpenter’s #1 helper. I’m great at finding tools and other stuff that gets misplaced by someone whom I won’t mention!

Over the next few blog posts, I will bring you up to date on what’s going on in the studio, quilt shows and other events.

A Few Snaps!




  1. Linda Smith

    Lucky you! Your new kitchen will be amazing. Lots of work but the end result will be so worth it.

    • JC20-ltc

      Thank you, Linda. I’m delighted with the new kitchen.


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